Style Guide

What to wear

• Wearing neutrals help so that you match well with any scenery and soften the look: tan, taupe, white, cream, and grey are great color choices! Light pinks, light or dusty blue, mauve, pastels, sage green, or earthy colors are also great options! AVOID: dark colors, neon or bright colors and purple, navy, and red.


• Wear something you would wear on a date night or slightly dressier. Trends come and go so quick- wear something that is timeless and true to you. Something that you and your fiance will look back on years later and say "this is us"


• If one person is wearing a pattern use that as your starting point to match the other person's outfit with solid colors. Mixing solids with the pattern will avoid clashing and ensure you both don't get lost in the background.


• Consider the "flow-factor" dresses and maxi skirts have. Loose floor length skirts/dresses capture movement and document motion really well to create dreamy photos!


• Add accessories like hats or jackets! Taking some with the accessories and removing for some can give a whole new look to each photo


• Don't be afraid to dress up or down! Simplicity and layers both work really well! It all depends on your personal style. If you are more of a white tank and jeans style- wear it! If you love flowy dresses- wear it! If you love both bring a casual outfit and a dressy outfit!


• Make sure you are comfortable in whatever you are wearing! Comfort is the key! Wearing something that is comfortable -and that your confident in- will prevent you from looking uncomfortable in your photos. Make sure it isn't restricting where you will be tugging at it. 


• Check out my pinterest board for more inspiration or send over your outfit choices and I would love to help!

Tips for getting the most out of your shoot

• Consider this a "date night" bring things you enjoy doing together! A picnic, riding skateboards or paddleboards, skiing, snowboarding, riding on the boat, fishing, enjoying your favorite drink together on the beach, whatever you enjoy doing as a couple - lets do it! Let me third wheel on your date night to capture you both in your element!


• Arrive at least 15 min early to touch up your hair or makeup as well as getting your pups ready if they're coming!


• Schedule your hair and makeup trial for the same day to put it to good use!


• Plan for the hour and a half after sunrise or the hour and a half before sunset for best lighting


• Choose a location that is light. My favorite locations are wide open fields or beaches. Locations that have less color allow for the focus to be on you rather than the scenery.


• Clean your ring and nails


• Focus on each other - basically ignore me the whole shoot! Laugh with each other and hold one another like it's just you two alone. 


• We will be doing lots of candid shots! I will give prompts and activities for you both to do together to help you focus on each other. So many people come into their session thinking they need to "be a model" - all I'm looking for is for you both to let your guard down, relax, and enjoy each others company. The raw emotion is what I'm looking for. I promise you will look at your photos feeling "like a model" in the end.


• This is the perfect time for you both and I to understand each other before your wedding day! Are there poses you both don't feel comfortable doing? Is there anything you are self conscious about that I should be aware of so I can help you feel your very best in every photo? Let me know! 


• DO NOT FORGET your furry friend :) I always have treats to help them sit pretty! I have two dogs myself and understand the importance of having the whole family together for photos!